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Buy Advanced Plan 7: Web Positioning Agency

Plan Avanzado 7: Agencia de Posicionamiento Web
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You have before you a great opportunity to improve your SEO in a spectacular way with a Complete Plan that covers multiple facets, from the internal optimization of your site to the creation of content, backlinks and promotion of your website.

This is the plan that will definitely help you to improve your web positioning in search engines and substantially increase your daily and monthly traffic.

It is a well thought plan executed in a natural way to build gradually over time your backlinks profile and get better positioning for your keywords.

What features does the plan include?

  • Competition analysis for your keywords and creation of keyword list for natural link distribution
  • Optimization and Preparation of your site to start campaign
  • Selection of relevant sites where to publish your backlinks
  • Gradual publication of backlinks to have a natural profile for link creation
  • Sending organic traffic from social networks and search results on Google
  • Detailed report of work

A plan so complete and with that idea of doing things naturally is not achieved in 1 week, only the first week is for research, adjustments and preparation of your site for the campaign! One month is enough time to do a complete job and you can rehire it whenever you want.

What activities are included in the Plan for 1 Month

In one month many of the objectives are achieved and allows us to undertake all the necessary activities towards that objective, here is a list of what we will do for 1 month:

  • Natural publication of backlinks on relevant with varied Domain Authoirty (DA20 to DA80+ home pages, internal pages have to be natural, remember that!)
  • Distribution and publication of content on relevant authoritative sites (via Guest posts and Press Releases)
  • Promotion of content via social networks and backlinks on 2.0
  • Sending real and secure organic traffic from social networks and Google search results

How do we achieve these objectives?

STEP 1: To begin, the first week, we analyze your website and make the necessary recommendations so that the content is optimized.

STEP 2: Then, we analyze your keywords and the competition, in order to determine the positioning objectives and discover new keywords with positioning option.

STEP 3: We start with the gradual publication of backlinks in pages with varied Domain Authority (DA), that is to say from DA20 to DA80+, distributed in a natural way among relevant pages for your niche and naturally with more backlinks in pages with less DA and less backlinks in pages with greater DA, e.g. DA50 or more. All this in order to make your link profile look as natural as possible. The location of the backlink varies from one page with DA to another, some will have space to insert it contextually in a post or in the sidebar, others as a link on one side or in the footer. All of this is part of the variety and looks natural.

STEP 4: With the content created for you, the distribution of the content is organized via guest post on sites relevant to your niche, as well as via press releases on authoritative sites such as high traffic newspapers, magazines and blogs. We have positioned Spanish-language sites by publishing press releases in Chinese and Russian in newspapers in these countries!

STEP 5: Promotion of your content by means of social signals (likes, tweets, votes, pins) in the most relevant social media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and much more.

STEP 6: Sending organic traffic from social networks and search engines, as well as positioning your content through backlinks pyramids of multi-strategy links.

STEP 7: Indexing plan by sending links to paid services to facilitate tracking and recognition.

The time has come for you to break schemes, frames and read as much about SEO as if it were the absolute truth written in stone. When others say such a strategy is dead, that´s when our customers benefit most because the competition that follows those "gurus" with their fatalistic SEO sentences disappears. Anyone who believes that all their backlinks have to be from well-known sites - and not just that - relevant to their niche will still be waiting for results at the San Blás dock! Now is the time to take decisive action, see for yourself and not repeat like parrots what others say. Remember, life is experience, not theory.

It takes many hands and many hours to do such complex tasks manually, are your hands enough to do all this on your own´ Count on us, it´s what we do best!

Most SEO Agencies charge $20,000 per year for such intense work. You get the most relevant activities to improve your rankings for a fraction of what others charge, for less than what you would pay in one month.

Continuity Plan - Short Term Results

We present to you the Continuity Plan for 3 months that guarantees you to move your SERPs through the execution of integral strategies that boost your rankings in a short term.

What does it consist of´

We will carry out a web positioning strategy with development and monitoring of your keyword rankings within 3 months.

So that you visualize it in a fast way it will be executed this way:

FIRST MONTH: The Plan will be developed as presented in the options offered below.SECOND MONTH: We will BIG BANG your rankings with a cyberspace boost with indexed backlinks on strategic pages for your linksTHIRD MONTH: We will promote and make relevant your site like a PRO by increasing your website authority via metrics improvement from Ahrefs, Majestic and MOZ.

To make things easier we offer you the 3 months with a 30% discount in the first 2 months and 50% in the last one.

In addition, 2% additional discount if you contract in a single payment the 3 months.

So here you have it, we have everything ready and willing to achieve short-term goals in the Google rankings, with this development that we have thought for you. You can hire these plan for 3 months and save even more buying from the Extras down below.

If you only want to hire for one month...

Hire with the offers shown just right here...
Got Questions?
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Make Your Choice:


Basic Plan I

for 1-3 URL
Expected delivery 30 days
First Tier
  • 5 Backlinks with TrustFlow
  • 5 MultiMedia Links
  • 10 Web 2.0 Blogs
  • 10 Backlinks PR 8-9
  • 10 Guestpost Backlinks
  • 15 Backlinks EDU and GOV
  • 20 Social Bookmarks
  • 50 Web 2.0 Backlinks
  • 1000 Social Signals
  • 1000 Visits Organic Traffic
  • Video Creation
  • Video Publications
  • Press Releases
Second Tier
  • 100 Social Bookmarks
  • 500 Backlinks in Comments
  • 1000 Backlinks on Wikis
  • 1000 Backlinks in Forums
Third Tier
  • 300 Social Bookmarks
  • 10000 Backlinks in Comments
  • Indexing Service: Yes
Comprar Ahora

Intermediate Plan II

for 1-3 URL
Expected delivery 30 days
First Tier
  • 10 Backlinks with TrustFlow
  • 15 MultiMedia Links
  • 15 Web 2.0 Blogs
  • 15 Backlinks PR 8-9
  • 20 Guestpost Backlinks
  • 25 Backlinks EDU and GOV
  • 30 Social Bookmarks
  • 100 Web 2.0 Backlinks
  • 2000 Social Signals
  • 2000 Visits Organic Traffic
  • Video Creation
  • 5 Video Publications
  • 5 Press Releases
Second Tier
  • 200 Social Bookmarks
  • 1000 Backlinks in Comments
  • 2000 Backlinks on Wikis
  • 2000 Backlinks in Forums
Third Tier
  • 500 Social Bookmarks
  • 20000 Backlinks in Comments
  • Indexing Service: Yes
Comprar Ahora

Plan III Advanced

for 1-3 URL
Expected delivery 30 days
First Tier
  • 15 Backlinks with TrustFlow
  • 25 MultiMedia Links
  • 20 Web 2.0 Blogs
  • 20 Backlinks PR 8-9
  • 30 Guestpost Backlinks
  • 35 Backlinks EDU and GOV
  • 50 Social Bookmarks
  • 200 Web 2.0 Backlinks
  • 3000 Social Signals
  • 3000 Visits Organic Traffic
  • Video Creation
  • 10 Video publications
  • 10 Press Releases
Second Tier
  • 300 Social Bookmarks
  • 2000 Backlinks in Comments
  • 3000 Backlinks on Wikis
  • 3000 Backlinks in Forums
Third Tier
  • 700 Social Bookmarks
  • 30000 Backlinks in Comments
  • Indexing Service: Yes
Comprar Ahora

Add Extras to your Service:


EXTRA: Basic Plan I x 3 months - monthly payment


Expected delivery: 30 days
Comprar Ahora
Continuity Plan - Discounts:
- 30% x 2 months
- 50% x 1 month

EXTRA: Basic Plan I x 3 months - One Payment


Expected delivery: 90 days
Add To Cart
EXTRA: Basic Plan I x 3 months - One Payment
Comprar Ahora
Continuity Plan - Discounts:
- 30% x 2 months
- 50% x 1 month
- 2% x One Payment

EXTRA: Intermediate Plan II x 3 months - Monthly payment


Expected delivery: 30 days
Comprar Ahora
Continuity Plan - Discounts:
- 30% x 2 months
- 50% x 1 month

EXTRA: Intermediate Plan II x 3 months - One Payment


Expected delivery: 90 days
Add To Cart
EXTRA: Intermediate Plan II x 3 months - One Payment
Comprar Ahora
Continuity Plan - Discounts:
- 30% x 2 months
- 50% x 1 month
- 2% x One Payment

EXTRA: Advanced Plan III x 3 months - Monthly payment


Expected delivery: 30 days
Comprar Ahora
Continuity Plan - Discounts:
- 30% x 2 months
- 50% x 1 month

EXTRA: Advanced Plan III x 3 months - One Payment


Expected delivery: 90 days
Add To Cart
EXTRA: Advanced Plan III x 3 months - One Payment
Comprar Ahora
Continuity Plan - Discounts:
- 30% x 2 months
- 50% x 1 month
- 2% x One Payment

Our Valued Customers Say:

Advanced Plan 7: Web Positioning Agency
Rated 5 / 5 based on 21 reviews.
tatiguerrero @ 01:57:
Excelente, plan recomendado.
tatiguerrero @ 00:03:
Servicio confiable y eficiente. Mejoró notablemente las posiciones. Recomendado.
Lisipo @ 10:24:
Muy buen trabajo.
Lisipo @ 18:58:
Trabajo concienzudo y correcto.
bandbcuba @ 18:45:
Excelente el trabajo Ya se estan viendo algunos cambios en las serps. Aunque me gustaría esperar algunos dias mas a ver como se comportan el resultado final. Gran trabajo
SEOMugaburu @ 21:38:
Excelente. Muchas gracias.!!
DonBandera @ 16:06:
Estupendo como siempre buen trabajo.espero que no cambieis
DonBandera @ 23:46:
todo correcto gracias
DonBandera @ 10:37:
gracias por vuestro trabajo. Un saludo
seoxperto @ 10:56:
He ordenado en varias ocasiones a son un recurso valioso en mi estrategia...
cocrear @ 19:47:
Muy bueno el servicio y la atención. Gracias !!!
wilbert @ 04:23:
Gracias totales hicieron un trabajo monumental
daniel @ 22:07:
Entregado a tiempo con reporte bastante detallado, sugerencias y analisis de competencia , espero ver resultados en breve
MarcoBuontempo @ 18:29:
Servicio ágil y detallado - recomendado para otros compradores
alvaroull @ 21:27:
Muy recomendado para hacer SEO... gracias
gomesampaiobr @ 11:36:
Experiencia fabulosa entregaron incluso antes. Adoro contratar aqui
seopro @ 13:18:
Great work, thanks a lot !
camiloruiz @ 09:24:
Espero ver cómo mis SERP se desempeñan mientras estas páginas se indexan en los meses por venir ¡gracias por todos los consejos y ayudas recibidas para mi sitio!
seoxperto @ 10:42:
Muy bueno, vendré por más
miriamplata @ 10:29:
andyschiavi @ 08:04:
Havia esperado algo para ver resultados en analytics ya que es un nicho facil de rankear. La estrategia fue bien planteada y ejecutada .. los guardo a mis favoritos ya

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